Connect, Expand, Thrive

Every SisterSmart executive coaching and leadership training program relies on proven research-based methods to expand your success

Sisters in Leadership

Amplify your skills while building a network of incredible women

Women are better when we are together. By learning with other women, you will build your network, support each other, and hold each other accountable to further your growth beyond what you could do alone.

One to One Coaching

Dive deep into the mindset for success, address your unique needs and unlock your true potential

The ultimate package for women looking to fast track their success

Women's Leadership Mastery

Coaching intensive

Twice Monthly Private Coaching Sessions

Know Your Genius Assessments

Work at Your Own Pace Videos

Take It To the Next Level Toolkit

Interested to learn more about One to One coaching?

Apply for a complimentary 45-minute Insight Session to find out if our program is the right fit for your needs.

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Online Courses

Find the right self-guided program for you and work through it at your own pace

Unleash Your Maximum Productivity


Your Day

and Confidently Step Into Your Leadership Role

Amplify Your Executive Presence

Team Communication

The Overwhelm Cure

Supercharge Your Day

Meeting Makeover

Supercharge Your Day is the ultimate framework for women business leaders looking to ditch the 10-hour work days and have more success in their careers by working smarter, not harder.

This 2-hour minicourse will give you the tools to manage your time more effectively, no matter your style.

Unlike most other productivity courses, it doesn't stop there. Instead, you will also discover how to develop the right mindset and motivation to keep your productivity high for the long run, not just the next week.

And, it's only $17.

The *Secret* to Actually Getting Ahead

Designed for driven women leaders, this 2-hour program packs a punch, teaching you how to manage your time more effectively and boost your career success. Supercharge Your Day is the ultimate framework for prioritizing your workday and increasing your confidence to take on larger roles—without guilt or burnout!

Transform the Way You Run Meetings

The ultimate framework to design effective meetings that boost productivity and team culture. In just 2 hours, you’ll learn how to cut your meeting time in half, command your team’s attention, move projects along quickly and have people actually enjoy meetings!


“Taking this course will be a few hours of your time which will save you hundreds of hours in the long run.”

I'm just so grateful that I spent the time to do this. I have developed more of a routine. Instead of doing things chronologically as they come to me, I learned to categorize and prioritize.

And, after a while of implementing the strategies learned, you will have such a feeling of satisfaction at the end of each day, instead of feeling like you spent the day spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.



