Unleash Your Maximum Productivity


Your Day

and Confidently Step Into Your Leadership Role

Amplify Your Executive Presence

Team Communication

The Overwhelm Cure

Supercharge Your Day

Meeting Makeover

Supercharge Your Day is the ultimate framework for women business leaders looking to ditch the 10-hour work days and have more success in their careers by working smarter, not harder.

This 2-hour minicourse will give you the tools to manage your time more effectively, no matter your style.

Unlike most other productivity courses, it doesn't stop there. Instead, you will also discover how to develop the right mindset and motivation to keep your productivity high for the long run, not just the next week.

And, it's only $17.


Real People + Real Results


Lexi T.

VP of Customer Success, Media

"I was recently promoted to VP and the program helped me approach this new role with more of a big picture vision and less of doer mentality and more of that of a leader and coach mentality.

I've stepped into being more assertive, holding my own and feeling more confident. That's been a big shift for me as a leader."

Sally S.

Operations Lead for Major Social Media Platform

"Through this program, I understood that to become a leader, you should also have other skills. For example, executive presence as a leader...

And a very important thing you need is to find a mentor to explore and your network and to make more influence in the connections... And it's a good thing I have Jill as my coach to talk to her to get her advice."

Natalie E.

District Sensor Application Software, Automotive

"I was getting a lot of pressure to lead in the same way that the other [male] leaders do. And I didn't understand that I had a different leadership style and didn't have a lot of confidence in my own style yet.

The biggest help that I've gotten here is understanding my leadership style and seeing the power of it."

Gretchen C.

Managing Director, Financial Services

"It was actually the best dollars I've ever spent.

It taught me that I need to invest in my own personal growth and that will then help me become the leader that I want to be, and also be a better leader for others."

Kristen W.

District Business Manager, Pharmaceuticals

"I think this program will be good for both newer and experienced managers; anyone who wants to propel their career forward. It's going to help you see yourself in a new way.

If you're on the fence, about joining the women's leadership Mastery program, I would say you just have to take the leap."

Heather V.

Healthcare Executive

"The program

offered so much more than I even thought it would.

It has been extremely worthwhile for me, in really taking the time to give yourself a little space and a little grace

to think about, what are those values that are most important to you? Why do you get up every day and do what you do? So, I highly, highly encourage people to take this program."

Meg D.

Global Market Access Lead - Pharmaceuticals

“This program is not just another thing to add to your to do list. It's a way to get rid of your to do list. ” I spend less time worrying and ruminating about things.

And I spend more time on the things that I need to do. I hear from people I work with that they've seen a shift in my confidence. And, I have taken on more responsibility.

Frances M.

Chief Operations Officer, Mental Health Facility

“This program has been a very impactful and meaningful journey. It helped me clarify who I am as a leader and how I can authentically show up in this space while still being me and still having my personality and passion show through.

It helped me become more effective, engaged, and confident.

Shannon W.

Global Environmental Manager

"Since I've started working with Jill at SisterSmart and put the time and effort into this program, it's really given me a chance to sort of step back and have more perspective on my life and my career.

Regardless of where you are, on your journey, where you are in your career, I promise you there's a lot for you to take away from, from spending time working through this program with Jill."

Cindi S.

Business Operations Manager, Environmental Consulting Firm

"Through the program, I could see the areas that were tripping me up and preventing me from being able to feel the confidence I should.

I spent a long time in my life wondering why I had low self esteem. And this finally was the prescription that let me see it and understand it, to accept it and to move past it."

Calli M.

Global Market Access Leader

This whole program has helped me to reframe the way I think about literally everything. That's the life-changing part of it.

Working with Jill has helped me to build better relationships in my work life, but also my personal life, how to figure out how to focus on myself and recharge, and that recharging is crucial for me to be able to meet my goals.

Sally S.

Operations Lead for Major Social Media Platform

Through this program, I understood that to become a leader, you should also have other skills. For example, executive presence as a leader...

And a very important thing you need is to find a mentor to explore and your network and to make more influence in the connections... And it's a good thing I have Jill as my coach to talk to her to get her advice.


Global Business Development & Alliance Management

So many of us go through life unaware. And this program helps draw that attention into  yourself and how you perform... My "Saboteurs" were holding me back from receiving feedback I needed for growth.

At the end of my journey, I feel like it's opened up such a big world for me in terms of thinking and doing things, not just in my professional life, but also in my personal life... I had a tremendous amount of growth after all our one-on-one sessions.


Finance & Payroll Manager

I really realized I kept burning myself out. I came into my new roles and realized I was trying to do everything.

 I feel very fortunate to have gone through this program... I also started finding like-minded coworkers. It's amazing when you're open to your growth and what you're looking for, you start to see it where it does actually exist.

I appreciate more that I can bring myself to work every day that I feel I'm providing more authenticity in all my interactions.

Lexi T.

VP of Customer Success

When I started the program, I was struggling with always this kind of sense of needing to prove myself.... I was always willing to take anything and everything on.

Just recently, I was promoted to VP... and I think the program helped me prepare for that in a few different ways.

One of the very first lessons was around the busyness trap and... And I think over the course of it was realizing that it wasn't my  job to be the star employee anymore... I had to be more strategic and empower those that I was leading to be the star performers.

Dhara P.

Vice President, Pharmaceuticals

“I could not recommend this program highly enough!! 5 is a high rating in my book.”

I have worked with Jill Avey in this leadership program for the last six months. Working with her helped me hone my executive presence and present myself in a complex world as a true leader which enabled me to land a position as VP in the Pharmaceutical industry. I’m extremely grateful for the patience, insight, and guidance that Jill provided through this comprehensive thought-provoking and life-changing program.

Natalie M.

Regional District Sales Manager, Healthcare

“If you’re thinking, "Can I afford it?" You can’t afford not to sign up.”

You will be taught pivotal things that will position you for major life and career growth. SisterSmart gives you everything you need to be a wiser, calmer, and more empowered leader, enabling you to reach and exceed that next level in your career, life, and relationships.

Nicolle L.

Accounting Manager, Large Metropolitan Transit Authority

“I wish I had discovered it when I was younger!”

I really enjoyed the program and got a lot out of it. I have been sharing how helpful it is just to be able to step back and reevaluate where you are going. It encouraged me to explore where I am at right now and realize to move forward I need to be willing to sit down and get to know myself, not just in my personal life but in my career and relationships at work.

Mari S.

CEO, Scientific Consulting Firm

“I loved the program so much that I brought my whole leadership team into the program.”

Jill has worked at the executive level of business. She's done a lot of research about psychology and what women's strengths and weaknesses are and how they can fit into a formerly male-dominated world, but be themselves.

I joined because I was really impressed with her. Jill has a way of being very upfront and honest, but in a way that you trust her right away. And then, people started commenting how they saw changes and how I was maturing my leadership skills. I am playing to my strengths more, having difficult conversations with better outcomes and delegating better. And, I am taking time to think strategically on a regular basis.

Rachel M.

Regional Marketing Director, Global Consulting Firm

“You won't be disappointed with this journey of self-discovery!”

I was taking on a brand new leadership role with more visibility, more responsibility, and a larger team.

I appreciated the chance to learn with other women in similar situations. The program gave me concrete strategies to develop new skills, executive presence and enhance my communication style. As a result, I am having more success in working with senior leadership.

Ceci L.

Director, Healthcare Marketing

“Jill is an amazing coach.”

Even before she started coaching professionally, she displayed so many of the qualities that make her excel in this work. She has always lead by example –constantly on the path to becoming a happier, healthier individual and a more effective leader.

My work with Jill has taught me to be more honest – both with myself and with others and to depersonalize and reframe negative interactions. Her ability to be present with her clients exemplifies what it means to be "in service" to others. Her presence and her passion for her work inspire me to continue my own journey to be the best possible version of myself!


Julie N.

Chief Program Officer, National Nonprofit

“I've taken many leadership courses, but none were as relevant for me.”

I walked away with practical strategies for gaining focus and work/life balance. I connected to Jill and look forward to putting what I learned into practice. Thank you!

Laura M.

Manager, Clinical Data Management

“I LOVED your course.”

Your material was wonderful, the content was just the right amount. I loved the slides and the narration. This was fabulous. Thank you!

Ilaria M.

Team Lead and Software Developer, Technology Company

“I can finish my work day with so much more energy and the Pomodoro 25-5 is working very well for me.”

Thank you so much for your personal reply. I really adore you :) I finished the course in 2 days and it is amazing! I am already applying your tips from the course and everything is going so much better!! I am re-taking the course using the checklist and the workbook to go deeper into the details and make everything natural in my day. I am planning so much more in advance and I can tell you that this approach works very well for me. I love your style and approach on things.

June C.

Masters Candidate

“I was surprised and delighted by your truly personal response to my self-assessment.”

I was surprised and delighted by your truly personal response to my self-assessment. I can see where you've put your heart and soul into your work to truly help others. Your sincerity comes through and that is truly appreciated.

Olivia B.

Solutions Consultant, Talent Acquisition

“I am not as burnt out at the end of the day, and it feels great!”

My brain isn't fried by the end of the day anymore. This course wasn't about using every single technique, it was about gathering the techniques that worked for you and using them to your advantage.

Meeting Makeover RESULTS

Heather V.

Healthcare Executive

"I like this course so much that I bought it for my team. We really enjoyed it. It gives us an opportunity to talk about the challenges we have in meetings. "

