
Crush Your Goals in 2022

Yearly Planner

If you want to make things happen for your job and your career next year, and you want to set some goals to help you get there, you will want to download my free Crush Your Goals step-by-step workbook.

Supercharge Your Day

The *Secret* to Actually Getting Ahead in Your Workweek (without adding another huge thing to your to-do list)

Designed for driven women leaders, this 2-hour program packs a punch, teaching you how to manage your time more effectively and boost your career success. Supercharge Your Day is the ultimate framework for prioritizing your workday and increasing your confidence to take on larger roles—without guilt or burnout!

Teams That Trust

Advanced Communication for Complex Teams

Next Skills Camp:

November 6th & 20th

Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Pacific

The ability to work together interdependently is one of our least developed skills. Yet, it is the most vital in today’s landscape. The communication skill of connecting with others – and creating the emotional space for others to open up – requires deep trust. Without trust, leaders and teams struggle to achieve extraordinary results. In two 4-hour sessions, you will discover the underpinnings of trust and how to build trust at all levels.

Amplify Your Executive Presence

Develop your influence, be seen as a rising leader

Learn how to develop your leadership foundation, executive presence and leadership brand to gain influence in an authentic way that brings your personal strengths to the forefront. You will develop your gravitas and confidence to be seen as a leader while navigating the social influences that women must contend with in order to be successful in our current environment.

A logo for "Sister Smart" with a stylized "S" and the phrase "EMPOWERING WOMEN LEADERS TO FULFILL THEIR VISION" below it.

The Differences Between Women Leaders Who Succeed and Those Who Don't

August 25, 20241 min read

I've coached 126+ leaders and these are the differences b/w women who succeed and those who don't.

Those who get stuck:

🚩 Lost their sense of purpose and where they're headed
🚩 Feeling obligated to everyone but themself
🚩 Not valuing investing in yourself
🚩 Deeming other's needs more pressing than their own personal development
🚩 Always being the last on their to-do list, pouring from an empty cup but never filling it up

You see,

Becoming a successful female leader isn't just about what you do.

It's about how you think.

Because It's not their capabilities holding them back.

But mindset.

They put others before themselves.
They wait for recognition instead of seizing it.
They feel obligated to meet everyone's needs except their own.

But here's what sets apart those who climb the ladder faster and often:

☀️ They demand equal support at home e.g one client switches off by taking a week off skiing to destress and then her husband takes a week off with his friends

☀️ They are ruthless with their time and draw boundaries to make sure they focus on tasks that move the needle

☀️ They don't hesitate to get help and learn what they don't know because if you had everything inside you to get to the top, you'd be there already

So, to every woman leader out there feeling stuck...

Start by prioritizing yourself.

Take care of you, be your best self.

And the rest will fall into place.

Because it's not just about reaching the top.

It's also about thriving on your way there and beyond. 💛

An Image of A woman A leadership coach smiling while working on laptop

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Crush Your Goals in 2022

Yearly Planner

If you want to make things happen for your job and your career next year, and you want to set some goals to help you get there, you will want to download my free Crush Your Goals step-by-step workbook.

Supercharge Your Day

The *Secret* to Actually Getting Ahead in Your Workweek (without adding another huge thing to your to-do list)

Designed for driven women leaders, this 2-hour program packs a punch, teaching you how to manage your time more effectively and boost your career success. Supercharge Your Day is the ultimate framework for prioritizing your workday and increasing your confidence to take on larger roles—without guilt or burnout!

Teams That Trust

Advanced Communication for Complex Teams

Next Skills Camp:

November 6th & 20th

Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Pacific

The ability to work together interdependently is one of our least developed skills. Yet, it is the most vital in today’s landscape. The communication skill of connecting with others – and creating the emotional space for others to open up – requires deep trust. Without trust, leaders and teams struggle to achieve extraordinary results. In two 4-hour sessions, you will discover the underpinnings of trust and how to build trust at all levels.

Amplify Your Executive Presence

Develop your influence, be seen as a rising leader

Learn how to develop your leadership foundation, executive presence and leadership brand to gain influence in an authentic way that brings your personal strengths to the forefront. You will develop your gravitas and confidence to be seen as a leader while navigating the social influences that women must contend with in order to be successful in our current environment.